Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My English language journey

Growing up, I have always envisioned myself as a writer. I have no idea what inspired me to even consider a profession that involved writing. Needless to say, that dream died along with my many other improbable ambitions. I was never the typical high achieving student, in fact I was so average that my parents decided to leave me alone and focus on my more 'intelligent' siblings. When I try to recall my primary or secondary school days, I am filled with memories of mischief and have very little recollection of learning English. Even now, I have no idea what was being taught back then during English lessons. I can safely say that my foundation in English is rather shaky and the only reason I managed to survive all these years is because of my deep and profound love for reading. Of course, I am not suggesting that reading alone can help improve anyone’s English but reading coupled with journaling helped me tremendously in my pre-university days. 

I started journaling in primary school and have continued to do so till today. It started out as an outlet to vent and express my deepest thoughts, and has evolved into a means of preserving a piece of me for my future generations to discover. This so called passion for reading and writing has led me to embrace the idea of taking up ES1102. In fact I am looking forward to improving my writing through this module. Unlike my earlier days, I intend to pay closer attention in class and solidify my foundation in English writing.

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